Investment Brief Note

经12-计18 张诗颖 2021011056


1 金融市场 Common Sense



2 Capital Allocation

It is about speculation, not gamble...

  1. Fisher Effect: i=r+E(π),actually: 1+r=1+i1+π

  2. Expected Return E(r) = ipiri , or: E(r)^ = 1ni=1nri

    Variance σ2 = ipi[riE(r)]2, or: σ^2 = 1n1i=1n(rir) Estimated Skewness = [(rrσ^)^]3,正/左偏 = 高估risk,负/右偏 = 低估risk Estimated Kurtosis = [(rrσ^)^]43,正峰度 = 低估risk

  3. Value at Risk:最差的情况损失多少,VaR(1%,normal) = Mean2.33SD

    Expected Shortfall / CVaR:最差的情况平均损失多少


  4. Normal Distribution: E(Geometric Avergage) = E(Arithmetic Average)  12σ2


2.1 Markowitz

1. One Risky + Risk-Free


2. Two Risky + Risk-Free


2.2 Index Model

1. Single Index Model


2. Treynor Black Process

an active portfolio (A) comprised of the n analyzed securities + the market index portfolio / passive portfolio (M), the (n+1)-th assets

{E(Rp) = αp+βp·E(RM)= (i=1n+1wiαi)+(i=1n+1wiβi)·E(RM)σp2 = βp2σM2+σ2(ep)= (i=1n+1wiβi)2·σM2+i=1n+1(wi2σ2(ei))tracking error ,maxw Sp=E(Rp)σP



2.3 CAPM

Market Portfolio (M*): 包括投资者所有可交易的证券或资产


Correspondingly, we generate the concept Capital Market Line



2.4 APT and Factor Model

Single Factor Model: Ri=E(Ri)+βiF+eiSingle Index Model: Ri=αi+βiRM+ei CAPM: E(Ri)=βiE(RM)__________________________________________

APT: arbitrage if αi>0

portfolio P: Ri=αp+βpRM,ep diversified away{wp=11βpwM=βp1βp    βz=wpβp+wMβM=0 αz=wpαp=11βpαp
Multifactor Model:Rit=αit+j=1kβijFj+ϵit APT: E(Ri)=j=1kβijE(RjF)

Suppose k=2, arbitrage pricing portfolio Q (portfolio A: E(RA)=βA1R1F+βA2R2F, if E(RA)price(A), then we can arbitrage by construting Q)

For $1 investment, invest: βA1 to factor portfolio 1 (with return r1) βA2 to factor portfolio 2 (with return r2) 1βA1βA1 to risk free asset (with return rf)

Portfolio Q: E(rQ)=βA1E(r1)+βA2E(r2)+(1βA1βA2rf)=rf+βA1[E(r1)rf]+βA2E[(r2)rf]


3 Frontier Topics

3.1 EMH

Cummulative Abnormal Return


3.2 Behavioral Finance



Other Brief Notes

  1. Bond pricing: Invoice Price = Flat Price + Accrued Interest (in % of par)

  2. Callable Bond: (an example) Face value (par value): $1,000 Coupon rate: 6% Coupon payment frequency: semi-annual Maturity: 10 years Call date: After 5 years Call price: 105% of face value

  3. Determinants of bond saftey Coverage ratios: earnings to fixed cost Leverage ratios: debt-to-equity Liquidity ratios: current asset to current liability Profitability ratios Cash flow-to-debt ratio

  4. Default Bond: recovery rate, default yield spread

  5. Interest Rate Uncertainty and Forward Rates Forward Rate: future short rates implied from current yield curve Expectation Hypothesis: f2=E(r2) (expected future short rate) Liquidity premium: fnE(rn)>0, and shall increase over maturity length

  6. Synthetic forward loan


  7. Economic Indicators: leading / coincident / lagging indicators


    Industry Analysis: cyclical / defensive industries(防御性行业) Sensitivity to the Business Cycle: sensitivity to sales (necessities vs discretionary goods) operating leverage: the split between fixed and variable costs (higher leverage, more sensitive), Degree of Operating Leverage: DOL=Percentage change in ProfitsPercentage change in Sales=1+Fixed costsprofits financial leverage: the use of borrowing (higher interest rate, higher sensitivity) 财务杠杆的比例和CAPM中的β等比例放缩 Sector Rotation: 预计好的行业based on business cycle 的 investment strategy inflation rate P/E Ratio (lowers P and boost nomial E)