"Embarking on a Full-Spectrum Exploration in Academia, Career and Life."

This is the homepage of Shiying (Catherine) Zhang(张诗颖), a final-year undergraduate at Tsinghua University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology + Economics and Finance (double bachelors degree). During my junior year, I exchanged at University of Oxford, which was fully sponsored by the prestigious Yinghua Scholarship. During this time, I took courses in Economics and Computer Science, gaining a deeper understanding of the European paradigm of classical and modern Economics, travelled in 51 cities / 16 countries for 76 days, and gradually built up my knowledge of the world.

As a dual-degree student, I have a strong interest in Computer Science, Economics and Finance. I like the interpretation and insight of the world and human behavior in Economics, the ingenuity of computer engineering and rigor of mathematical logic, and the complex game of the financial world and constant debate on the ever-changing market. These give me two distinct but complementary paradigms of thinking about the world, which I believe will have a long-term impact on my life. As for career planning, I’m determined to pursue a career in the economics and finance industry. I’m interested in looking for the cause-and-effect of market news, dynamics of the industry and macro trend. In particular, I’m interested in macro, equity and foreign exchange markets.

At the same time, I am also an energetic person who lust for life and am eager for novel experiences. Till my junior year, I have exchanged at Oxford for one year, participated in multiple internships (including the most recent one at Goldman Sachs), two research periods, multiple competitions, and won several scholarships. On campus, I served as department leader of SEM SU, member of CST SAST, class monitor, and leader of CST Debate Team. I have also participated in Cricket Match, Cheerleading Contest and various debate competitions. In my freshman year, I was honored to be awarded the best debater of the year. Outside of school, I am active in various club organizations and travel around the world to interact with people from inside and outside the industry. I’m a poker player and have been to the final table of the UK competition. City exploration has been an essential theme of my life. I was born in Shenzhen, and have lived in Shanghai, Beijing, Oxford, Hong Kong for study and internship. I’m seeking opportunities to explore more cities and cultures in the future.

I value all unique experiences and strive to stay active in life and explore my own unique path.

Current Status

2024 Summer

Location: Hong Kong, Shanghai

I interned at Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong) at Global Investment Research (GIR) division in June, July and early August, responsible of carrying out equity research on the consumer sector. During my internship, I had time travelling and exploring the beauty of Hong Kong.

I spent my time working out at gym, swimming, hanging out with family and dining with friends in Shanghai.

Past Status

2023 Summer

Location: Shanghai, Beijing, Seattle

The summer break between my sophomore and junior year. Here is my schedule:

I thought this schedule was really fantastic for me. For one thing, I’m always interested in Quant-related job and am excited to have the opportunity to intern at XHTH, a 10 billion RMB AUM quant hedge fund. For another, I’m also curious about the comparison between traditional (strategy based on fundamental analysis) hedge fund and quant (quantitative strategy) hedge fund, and I’m eager to learn more about the industry. Springs Capital (淡水泉), the top industry player, would offer me this opportunity.

Furthermore, this summer initiated a new chapter of my college life – with key idea: the exploration of the world. I went to Seattle, the city of Microsoft, Amazon and Starbucks, to explore the American culture and investigate into these IT giants. I would also be going to Oxford, the city of the oldest university in the English-speaking world, to explore the European culture and academically, how they teach Economics. As well, Beijing and Shanghai are two cities I’m always familiar with. It’s time to cherish the time with my friends and family here before saying a brief goodbye to them.

2023-2024 Michaelmas & Christmas

Location: Oxford, Europe

In Michaelmas term at Oxford, I took International Economics, Money and Banking and Machine Learning. Meanwhile, I was very fortunate to be offered the summer internship at Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong), which I would be joining in June 2024, after taking approximately 30 interviews with various financial companies.

I travelled around Europe during the Christmas vacation between Michaelmas and Hilary term. Here was my schedule:

This was my first time travelling around Europe, self-planned and self-guided, for such a long time. I literally went to every corner of western Europe, from the northernmost point of Scotland to the southernmost point of Spain, from the westernmost point of Portugal to the easternmost point of Switzerland. Many sites and cities have left a deep impression on me, where I spent time exploring, city-walking, interacting with local people, and learning about the local culture.

You can find my travel diary here.

2023-2024 Hilary Term & Easter

Location: Oxford, Europe, Africa

In Hilary term at Oxford, I took core Macroeconomics, Game Theory and Deep Learning in Healthcare. Meanwhile, I travelled around Europe and Africa during the vacation. Here was my schedule:

2024 Trinity Term

Location: Oxford

In Trinity term at Oxford, I took History of World Economy. Luckily, I was offered a MoF (Master of Finance) offer with full scholarship from Tsinghua SEM and a MFin (Master of Finance) offer from Peking GSM. I was also preparing for the summer internship at Goldman Sachs (Hong Kong), which I would be joining in June 2024.

During Trinity Term and all terms at Oxford, I was also actively attending formals at different colleges. There are 39 colleges and 4 PPH (Permanent Private Hall) in Oxford, and each college has its own formal hall. I have been dined in 31 colleges in total. I wrote a summary of my experience in formals here.

Conclusion for my 2023-2024 Life at Oxford

More Info

My hobbies include Poker, Debating, Hockey and Travelling.


Email: catherinezhang0120@gmail.com | shiying-21@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn

Wechat: Catherine_zsy0120

LinkedIn: Shiying (Catherine) Zhang